The figure of Kartini from Bogor with the determination and patience of a mother

The figure of Kartini from Bogor with the determination and patience of a mother

Law-Investigasi, Adriana Eko Susanti mirrors Kartini from Bogor who has a noble heart, caretaker and founder of the Assyifa Madani Ayasofya Lentera Hati (Amal Hati) Yatim Tahfidz Qur’an Foundation, located in Ciawi District, Bogor Regency, a person who has dedicated herself to Indonesian children from Sabang to Merauke, said that this foundation was established in 2022.

Adriana, who used to be a volunteer at the National Commission for Child Protection, was often assigned to handle cases related to children in various regions of Indonesia.

Seeing that the challenges in caring for children throughout the archipelago never end, Kartini from Ciawi Bogor decided to establish a foundation.

Even though she was faced with health challenges and was told by doctors that she would not recover, Adriana still decided to build a foundation by donating her assets and establishing this foundation.

“The idea is from 2021, but it can be realized in 2022. Coincidentally, at that time I was sick and told by the doctor that I would not recover. I thought what should I do, I gave up this asset (land), I donated it and set up this foundation,” said the woman who is familiar with it. called Mother Andri, Sunday (21/4).

Initially Lentera Hati put their children to sleep in a tent before now having a dormitory. At Lentera Hati, Adriana builds holistic education for children, including physical and spiritual education such as tahfiz, prayer, and moral education.

Children are taught to live healthily, be disciplined, and undergo formal education.

Apart from that, this foundation also provides formal education facilities for children, such as uniforms, pocket money, and even savings given after morning prayers. Children who show obedience will be awarded a pilgrimage to the holy land.

“Here they are obliged to live a healthy and intelligent life and are obliged to go to school, that’s why I’m chasing them to eat and go to school. At school, apart from giving me savings, I’ll give them a bonus, I’ll give them an Umrah. This is already the second wave that we’re doing an Umrah for. But the Umrah “That’s after they are steadfast with these programs,” She explained.

Currently, the number of children at the Lentera Hati foundation has almost reached 50 children, an increase from only 10 children at the beginning.

This foundation also accommodates children who are victims of violence and trauma, giving them a safe place to grow and develop.

“If a child is abused here, they can also be left in their care. At first we didn’t have a place to live, they slept in tents for two years. Thank God, now there is a room there,” he explained.

All teaching staff at this foundation are dedicated volunteers, who do not receive payment for their services. Funds to manage this foundation come from Adriana and her family, as well as from training institutions for character formation.

“Thank God, all the funds are independent and from me there is a training institution for building character formation and has several clients so the income from there is for those here,” She concluded

Apart from educational activities, this foundation also has religious activities that are open to the public, such as manaqiban which is held every Friday night.

All of these activities show the Lentera Hati Foundation’s commitment to helping children in need, making it the best home for them in Bogor Regency.


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